Thursday, April 8, 2010


Here is a solid Vern Poythress quote from an interview: “Inerrancy is spiritually important because of the long-term consequences of denying it. If we come to think that there are errors in the Bible, we then allow ourselves to sort between what we think is good and what we think is bad. It is always we who end up doing the sorting, and our personal judgments lord it over scripture. It ruins the Lordship of Christ over our lives, because then we secretly retain the power to reject anything that does not suit us.”


  1. I'm curious, can you humor me? How do you define inerrancy?

  2. What a great question. I’ll humor you with an answer - let me know if you have any further questions, or comments - I like comments. ;)

    Short version: Inerrancy — free from error.

    Longer version: I believe the Bible is the only inerrant Word of God, the only ultimate and infallible authority for faith and practice. The authority of the Bible/Scripture/Word of God (authoritas Scripturae) is rooted in its inspiration. To say it another way, the power of the Bible/Scripture/Word of God is rooted in God. This means that I believe the Bible’s origin is Divine. I believe, therefore, it to be infallible (free from error).

    Favorite version: I believe the Bible is true and sufficient (applicable to everything). I believe it all (The glorious flow and structure in the Book of Numbers, the beautiful conventions in the narrative of Esther, and especially all of those symbols in John’s Revelation-some of those are confusing but I believe all of it). Hyper-belief? Yeah, I like the sound of that. Call it that.

    To say it with humor: Belief as big as the Dallas Cowboy's Jumbo Tron.
