Thursday, October 24, 2013


Discussing her personal departure from feminism, Carolyn McCulley, in her book, Radical Womanhood, says:
The light of God's Word showed me truth. What I thought as right and true didn't hold up to Scripture. Human observation and psychology could only point out a problem - proud women spar with men they deem to be weaker and not worthy of respect - but offered no credible solution to the tension between the sexes.
I didn't need to reconcile my pantheon of inner goddesses. I needed to repent of my sin.
As do men.
The kicker is that feminism is partially right. Men do sin. They can diminish women's accomplishments and limit women's freedoms for self-centered reasons. Some men sexually assault women. Some men abuse their wives and children. many men degrade women through pornography. Feminism didn't rise up because of fabricated offenses (25-26).
 So true. Feminism (and her best friend Egalitarianism)  did not rise up due to "fabricated offenses". Sinful men who lord over women are meatheads and blockheads. To rip off the song from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, "Your brain is full of spiders, you've got garlic in your soul, Mister [Blockhead]. / I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole."

If you want a high-view of women, then you need look no further than Genesis. Adam is a type of Christ, he is the federal-head that represents all of mankind, and he is placed in a garden-sanctuary. In this garden-sanctuary Adam has prophet-priest-king duties to fulfill. However, it is not good that Adam be alone, so God blesses Adam and gives him Eve. In Genesis 2:18 we learn that Eve was created to sustain Adam by a covenant-of-companionship that would eliminate Adam's loneliness. Eve is Adam's "helpmeet" - although "help" isn't the best translation, since the Hebrew 'ezer kenegdo connotes coming alongside another in order to actively sustain and assist, i.e., "helpmeet" = "sustainer beside him" (see Robert Alter, Genesis, 9). Also, Proverbs 31 describes a woman as a heroic, domestic warrior (see conclusion from sermon notes by Peter Leithart). A woman does much more than "help" - according to the Bible she is much, much more than an auxiliary to man. If you don't have a Biblical view of women, then, as McCulley reminds herself and her readers, you need to repent of your sin.

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